F3 Gold Rush
Plant. Grow. Serve.
Slaughter Under the Stars

Slaughter Under the Stars

Grinder: 9/23/20

QIC: Tech Deck

Con Air
Purple Rain
Marky Mark

11 HIMs showed up in the gloom for another Tech Deck Beatdown. Miyagi – Justin Rowland came in hot, busting through the parking lot in his mini-van, bringing up the 6 moments before Q started the Warm-O-Rama. I made sure to remind the PAX, including Purple Rain that I am indeed, not a professional.

10 Cherry Pickers IC
20 Grady Corn IC
10 Copperhead Squats IC
15 Hairy Rockettes IC

Mosey to track in the gloom (watch your step!)

The Thang #1: Chinese Fire Drill

This is a brutal version of an Indian Run. Pax lined up, Q brought up the six to demonstrate as PAX began running in formation around the track. Q called out “Fire!” Pax turned to the side, dropped and began AMRAPing merkins until the Q ran 1.5 laps around the PAX and took the lead. PAX got up and continued running. Q continued to call out “Fire” until each of the PAX did their fire drill lap. About 2.5 laps around the track total followed by a mini-Capri lap. Many merkins were done (80-120ish)

Many members of the PAX noted that this is a great place to check out the stars. This is the origin of today’s workout name.

Mosey back to field near flags

The Thang #2: Charles Bronson

A favorite of mine from my early days of Qing. The Charles Bronson consists of sprinting about 75-100 feet then bear crawling another 10-20 feet and then moseying back to home. Each time The PAX moseys back, 50 reps of the Q’s choice shall be completed OYO. Early finishers will plank or Al Gore for the 6

Round 1: SSH
Round 2: Jungle Boi Squats
Round 3: Freddie Mercuries
Round 4: Merkins
Round 5: LBCs
Round 6: Burpees (brutal!)

Captain Thor- 5 rounds
10 Peter Parkers IC
10 low flutters IC


Q Thoughts: “Do or do not, there is no try” -Yoda

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