F3 Gold Rush
Plant. Grow. Serve.
“Hey Grinchy!”

“Hey Grinchy!”

PAX: Picard, Cliff Hanger, Family Matters, Dilbert, Regret, Plunger, Mudpie, La Croix, 2 BucK, Franc, Satchel, Sandlot, & YHC (13)


Warm-o-rama: Grady Corns, Don Quixotes, Cherry Pickers, all IC. SSHs while the PAX named off the 5 CPs in order.

Words of Wisdom were shared early on instead of during the COT in order to get the PAX ready for some 3S2T…”Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out. No, no, we’re all in this together. We’re gonna press on & we’re going to have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby danced with Danny-freaking-Kaye!” –Clark W. Griswold, Jr. (Philosopher)

Mosey to the corner stoplights for a Main Street Trio (Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pounders, & Pickle Pointers, IC x15). Mosey back to Flags.

The Thang: GRINCHy Doras
Googs x50
Reverse Lunges x100
Incline Merkins x150
Narrow Squats x200
Crunchy Frogs x250
Hairy Rockettes x300, except we ran out of time for those, so instead we did them IC to 30

Mary: Freddy Mercurys until 6:00


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