QIC: Fanny Pack
PAX: 11
Mileage: 2.7 +/-
MarkyMark , Birthdaysuit , KJV , Jake (from State Farm) , Happy Meal , Clove , Sue , Yoshi , Foghorn , Excite Bike , Fanny Pack
Mission statement:
Plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
Five core principles
Open to all men
Free of charge
Held outdoors, regardless of weather
Led by a peer in rotating fashion with no license or certification required
Ends in a Circle of Trust
Disclaimer – Modify to prevent injury and still get reps in
Mosey a quarter mile (or so)
Merkins IC x10
Squats IC x16
LBCs IC x15
Mosey to school parking lot
Bear Crawl to speed bump
Crawl Bear to end
Lunge walk back other side to speed bump
Mosey rest of the way
Go to overhang by building to get out of rain
Low Dolly IC x 20
Mosey toward pull-up bars
Modified morning call
First two PAX AMRAP pullups
Next four PAX plank
Next four SSH
Loop until all PAX complete
Bataan Death March (last PAX 5 Merkins) to creek trail behind soccer fields, between fields
Merkins IC x10
Squats IC x16
Bear crawl to ‘Y’ in bike trail
When arrive SSH or pick up six
Mosey to tables at center of diamonds
Step ups OYO x10 each leg
Gas Pumps OYO x25
Squat jumps OYO x15
Mosey to basketball court near wall
Derkins IC x10
Mosey over to Gazebo
Jungle Boi Squats OYO x15
Big Boi Sit Ups OYO x15
SSH or pick up six when complete
Mosey back to basketball court near wall
Derkins OYO x10
Shoulder taps OYO x10
Full suicide on basketball court
*Fellowship at the Range Saturday, check BAND
*Tour del Oro: Jan 1-Feb 6 there are 22 AOs, make an attempt to visit them all. What’s the prize? Eternal Glory
*Coffee-teria at SBux by The Den
Think of your life as an egg. If the egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If the egg is broken by an inside force, life BEGINS!
Struggle is not for naught! There is a purpose. Find that purpose and LIVE!