INTO…THE DEN (10/22/2020)
35 total PAX for the Launch of The Den! Welcome & 5 CPs
Disclaimer (No FNGs today)
The “Morning” Merkin Rule was in effect…if any PAX says “Good morning” to any non-F3 person, we all drop & do 5 Merkins. But you can’t not say hi just because you’re lazy. REPRESENT!
WOR (IC unless noted)
Imperial Walkers
Nolan Ryans
Tap-py Taps
One-Legged Burpees (OYO) 5 per side
…Mosey around the parking lot w/ butt-kickers, high-knees, & karaokes. (Honestly, this messes up my acronym so just imagine it’s a dramatic pause.)
The Thang (w/ some Moseying in order to tour the AO)
Triple Check
Happy Jacks
Empty Wheelbarrow
Noodling for Catfish
30/3/30/3s – For 4 minutes, do 30 Merkins, 3 Burpees, 30 Big Boys, 3 Burpees, & repeat. AMAYC
Mary (IC)
Break Dancing Bears
Low Flutters
High Flutters
The message: Thanks for coming out, everybody! That’s it. That’s the message.