The 90’s
14 PAX today: Spirit Fingers, Jumpstart , Plunger, Horry, Kilt, Sereno, Fanny Pack, Banjo?, Sancho, Dimple?, Rerun, Razzmatazz ?, Tent, Bartman (YHC) met on 10/26/20 at Terminal
Going back to the 90’s! (Thanks to F3 Naperville for the inspiration.)
5CPs & Disclaimer (no FNGs)
WOR: Abe Vigota, Mountain Man Poopers, Grady Corns, Tappy Taps
Prisoner Run through parking lot to street in honor of ConAir’s 100th post in Gold Rush.
Rocky Balboas
Wheel of Merkins x5
Rinse & Repeat then run back to start
The Thang
While getting our groove on to 90’s “hits,” we did the following (in no particular order):
SSHs, Burpees, Big Boys, Butt Kickers, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Squat Jumps, Apollos, Overhead Claps, Freddie Mercurys, High Knees, Crab Cakes, Monkey Humpers, & a Plank
Each exercise was for 90 secs w/ a 30 sec rest. The Sally Rule was in effect. If Moby’s “Flower” came on, we’d stop the timer & do Sallys. Of course, it came on in the middle of the Big Boys.
Final Thoughts: Hope is not a strategy.