F3 Gold Rush
Plant. Grow. Serve.
Crazy Shoulder Dora

Crazy Shoulder Dora

We had 11 PAX to the max today at Grinder and nary a Backseat!! was to be seen. However we did have Chuck E., Singlet, Roller King, Toto, Dome⛰, Wrench Jordan Rainwater, @bio, Possum, @catwalk, BabyBack, and me, Pikachu

Plank for 5 Core Principals
20 SSH
8 Singlet Merkins
20ish Hillbillies

Mosey Coupons make teams.
Teams grab 1 daddy coupon and 2 baby coupons.

100 Alternating Step Up Merkins (forget official name, but one hand on daddy coupon do merkin, switch hands repeat)
200 Curls
300 Squats

W/ baby coupons held in any fashion straight armed above shoulders
Lunge Walk
Smurf Walk
Side Step

Shake & Bake (2 Burpees) around the park.

1 set of Clowneys

Wide Leg Leg Lifts
Closed Leg Leg Lifts
Flutter Kicks

WOW – When the opportunity to lead comes, take it. Reach up to the hand that is reaching down to you.

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