If You’re Not Humping, You’re Holding
8 of the finest HIM’s showed up to enjoy a soggy yet memorable beat down.
Q: Dinghy
- Dimple
- BaNjO
- Bartman️,
- Hall Pass
- Razzmatazz
- juice box

The only sand we encountered was our walk to the lighted cones thank you Happy Meal . Life can add extra on top as we went 8 rounds, each round progressively harder. By the way, you all ran a mile so well done.
Anyone can do 5 burpees right? Huge t-claps to BaNjO he must of took a pre-workout because he was beast mode leading the pax.
COT – there is a negative force (I call it the devil) that exists to limit our full potential. He feeds us lies that we aren’t good enough, we don’t have what it takes, we are fit enough, don’t make enough money, won’t be amazing husbands or fathers, will be overlooked for that promotion etc. everyday we need to make a mental choice to chose TRUTH, respond to a different narrative. The TRUTH is each one of us is beautifully and wonderful made. We have all the resources around us to excel. We are Freed to lead (good read by the way)