F3 Gold Rush
Plant. Grow. Serve.
We’ve got Spirit, yes, we do!

We’ve got Spirit, yes, we do!

QIC: Spirit Fingers
PAX: 17
Chong, Birthday Suit, Samsonite, Excite Bike, Yoshi, Luigi, Mudslide, Plunger, Clove, Happy Meal, Swartz, LOL, Polo, Fanny Pack, Spirit Fingers, Former FNG – Peach, Former FNG – Destiney

Loaded SSH
Bent arm Grady Corn
Loaded cannon

The Thang:
Mosey through park around 2 baseball diamonds .63 miles
Sumo squat Side lunge
Plank leg lift tuck
extension Crunch V

Mosey – Lap around baseball diamonds .47 miles
Jump squat dinghy
Bear Arm taps
Heals to Heaven alt leg down

Mosey – Lap around baseball diamonds .47 miles
Hacky Squat
Plank toe taps

Mosey – Lap around baseball diamonds return the BB court .53 miles
Al Gore Around the World

Total Mosey: 2.1+/-

Named two former FNGs: Peach and Destiny
Thanks for joining me for Spirit Fingers Act 2. I had nothing special to say, except, have fun and enjoy your day!

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