The Bears are Who We Thought They Were
AO: The Boiler
Date: 5/5/2021
PAX: Kilt, Drum Stick, Birdie, Chamomile, Arco, Make It Wayne, Thumper, Tech Deck, Clove, CHONG, Schwartz, Backseat!!, Daisy, ChooChoo, BaNg0 , & YHC
Welcome: Credo/Mission/5 Core Burpees/FNGs/Disclaimer
Warm-O-Rama: Grady Corns x20, Cherry Pickers x21, Don Quixotes x22, SSHs x23, all IC
Mosey to south parking lot
THANG 1: Indian Bear Crawls x2 (PAX line up in Planks, 6 Bear Crawls to front & announces in the next person’s turn. The growls were epic.)
Wheel of Merkins x10, Wheel of Abs x10 (LBCs, on left hip, Supermans, on right hip), Rinse & Repeat
Indian Run around the block w/ the 6 doing 3 Two-Scoop Squat Jumps. Then Lindsays at the Picnic area. Mosey back to flags.
THANG 2: Cones on the field, 5 yds apart. 10 ‘Merkins & Bear Crawl to next cone. Repeat for all 3 cones. Then flip & do 10 BBSUs & Crab Walk to the next cone.
Mary: Nolan Ryans x10 each side, Extreme Flutter Kicks to 6:00…I mean x13, all IC
COT: From the philosopher Jack Reacher…”The only thing under your direct control is how hard you work…if you fail today, it’s completely your own fault.”