F3 Gold Rush
Plant. Grow. Serve.
Black Friday Deals at Pow Wow

Black Friday Deals at Pow Wow

Pax: 6

HIM: HIM: Yoshi, Horry, Foghorn, Birthdaysuit, Bandwagon

QIC: Happy Meal

Total Distance: 3.4 mi (+/-)

BackBlast: 5:15, time to start moving.

Pax began walking in a circle around coupons as Q shared Mission Statement and direction. Direction for today is that each Pax will always be moving. At no point today, should any Pax be standing still. Any call to Circle Up at the end of an exercise, will result in the Pax continuing to do a light mosey in a circle.

Warm-O-Rama: High Knees down the parking lot, Mosey back; Butt Kickers, Mosey back; Mosey around the park trail.

The Thang: Partner up.

Exercise 1: One partner does a mosey around the park, while the other partner lunge walks forward one parking space with the coupon, to place the coupon on the next parking space line. Berney back to start, mosey to the coupon, lunge walk the coupon forward one more space, rinse and repeat until your partner returns from the lap around the park, then flapjack. Repeat until each partner does two laps.

Exercise 2: Grab your coupon for a mosey around the park trail. Along the way, snake through the picnic benches to step up, walk across the bench, step down, then step up to the next bench. 16 tables, 32 benches to step up and down from. Then finish the lap around the park trail.

Exercise 3: Each partnership leaves a coupon on the far end of the parking lot. One partner does a mosey around the park. The other partner does a Rosey across the parking lot, picks up the coupon, moves it back one parking space, then does a mosey back to the start at the other end of the parking lot. Rosey back to the coupon, move it back one parking space, then mosey back to the start again until your partner returns and picks up where you left off. Flapjack with your partner, then Rinse and Repeat. Each Pax was able to fit in one lap around the park. Mosey back to the parking lot with the flags.

Marry: Walking Imperial Walkers 1/2 way through the parking lot.

6:00, time called.

Mission Statement 5 Core Principles COT: We’ll all probably get some good down time between Thanksgiving and today. This workout was all about, Keep Moving. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

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